“Fiduciary Mirage”: Trust betrayed, fortunes vanish. Story of Alper Deniz
“Fiduciary Mirage”: Trust betrayed, fortunes vanish. Story of Alper Deniz
Alper Deniz was making a name for himself. A lawyer by trade, Alper had spent years honing his skills at the prestigious Keystone law firm. His specialty? Advising on bond issuances. Over the years, he had advised on multiple issuances, with a total close to GBP 1 billion.
However, Alper’s role was not as straightforward as it seemed. He was also acting as a trustee for Truva Trustee, a position that put him in direct conflict with his duties as a lawyer and the bond structure he advised and marketed by third party IFAs. As a trustee, he was supposed to work with the bond issuers to ensure they paid their debts. But Alper had other plans.
Using a complex structure that took advantage of the weaknesses in the UK law system, Alper worked with the bond issuers to avoid paying the bonds they had issued. His targets were mostly unaware retirees, who had invested their life savings in these bonds, trusting in the system to protect their interests. The list of bonds Alper was involved with was extensive:
- Audley Funding PLC
- Invenio Capital PLC
- Intergroup Mining 1
- Just Cashflow PLC
- Balise Springs PLC
- Ethika Finance PLC
- Dover Hartcourt PLC
- Omnia Bond II PLC
- Minerva Lending PLC
- Sustainable Capital PLC
- The Resort Group
- My Club Betting
- Chip chip Holding
As Alper’s web of deceit grew, so did the stakes. Would he be able to keep his secret hidden, or would his actions catch up with him? Only time would tell.
Alper Deniz experience https://www.keystonelaw.com/lawyers/alper-deniz )
Advised on listed green bond offering of USD 144 million for Altech Chemicals Limited. Altech Chemicals Limited is a supplier of a high purity alumina (HPA) with a production plant at Johor in Malaysia. Altech Chemicals Limited is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX: ATC) and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FRA: A3Y). Bedford Row Capital plc is the structuring agent and Truva Trustees is the note and security trustee.
Advised listed ICMA-compliant green bond offering of EUR 25 million for Sustainable Capital plc, structured by Bedford Row Capital plc to finance the development and construction of five Smart Farm facilities in high-profile cities in Europe. The green bond will be listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange maturing 2024. The projects will be located in London, Monaco, Amsterdam, Munich and Toulouse. Truva Trustees is the note and security trustee.
Advised on the issue of USD and EUR ICMA-compliant green bonds by Sustainable Capital plc to finance Energy Storage’s development and construction of thermal clean generation and green power plants for “on-site-of-need” commercial and industrial customers, on a “distributed energy” model in Australia. Bedford Row Capital plc is the structuring agent and Truva Trustees is the note and security trustee.
Advised on the issue of USD 50 million 10% 7-year sukuk by Al Waseelah plc to finance the expansion of the mining operations for NQ Minerals plc, a UK listed company. The issuance of the sukuk was managed by Bedford Row Capital and Shari’a advisory services were provided by Khalij Islamic. Truva Trustees is the note and security trustee.
Advised on the establishment of a EUR 5 billion listed secured medium-term note programme for CP Funding 1 plc, a UK-based issuer of short-term notes and supply chain financing. Bedford Row Capital plc is the structuring agent and Truva Trustees is the note and security trustee.
Advised on the establishment of a GBP 1.2 billion listed secured medium-term note programme for Al Waseelah plc, a UK-based issuer of Shari’a-compliant bonds. Bedford Row Capital plc is the structuring agent and Truva Trustees is the note and security trustee. Shari’a advisory services are provided by Khalij Islamic.
Advised on the establishment of a GBP 2 billion listed secured medium-term note programme for Sustainable Capital plc, a UK-based issuer of green and sustainable bonds. Sustainable Capital plc is recognised on the NASDAQ Sustainable Bond Network. Bedford Row Capital plc is the structuring agent and Truva Trustees is the note and security trustee.
Advised on the establishment of a GBP 2 billion listed secured medium-term note programme for Invenio Capital plc, a UK-based issuer, and the issuance of notes to finance the expansion of the mining operations for NQ Minerals plc, a UK listed company. Bedford Row Capital plc is the structuring agent and Truva Trustees is the note and security trustee.
Advised on the establishment of a GBP 5 billion listed secured medium-term note programme for Propifi Bonds plc, a UK-based issuer specialising in commercial bridging loans to UK property developers. Truva Trustees is the note and security trustee.
Advised EEW Eco Energy World plc, an independent global developer of utility scale renewable energy projects on multiple solar energy projects.
Advised Rectory Homes, a property development company on a private placement of secured bonds.
Advised on the establishment of a EUR 8 billion listed secured medium-term note programme for Serica Finance plc, a UK-based issuer specialising in trade finance and supply chain funding. Bedford Row Capital plc is the structuring agent and Truva Trustees is the note and security trustee.
Advised on the establishment of a GBP 5 billion listed secured medium-term note programme for Kaeva plc, a UK-based issuer specialising in venture capital financing. Bedford Row Capital plc is the structuring agent and Truva Trustees is the note and security trustee.
Advised Minerva Lending plc on the establishment of a retail note programme listed on the main market of the Irish Stock Exchange (now Euronext). Advised Wellesley Secured Finance plc on the establishment of a retail note programme listed on the main market of the Irish Stock Exchange (now Euronext). Advised Roxbury Asset Management Limited on the establishment of a UCITS fund in Ireland.
2 responses to ““Fiduciary Mirage”: Trust betrayed, fortunes vanish. Story of Alper Deniz and Truva Trustee”
Alper deniz is nothing but scammer, he and Scott Levy distribute the bond to our network of investors, stating the bond was secured, only to find it’s nothing but smoke and mirrors.
Alper Deniz fraudster
Scott Levy fraudster
Stuart Gordon fraudsterThese 3 culprits need to be in jail.
Very interesting ..he took £50 K off me and despite over 30 call/emails etc …nothing !
Please can we get some justiceBarrie
Bedford Row Capital and Alper Deniz Keystone Truva, or whatever they may call themselves, appear to be nothing short of…
Alper deniz is a fraud !!
Alper Deniz is a coward, a hypocrite, and full of utter bollocks.
Scott Levy and Stuart Gordon have been deceitful since early business.and Alper Deniz is no exception. I discovered Alper was…
Merle on alati olnud nii usaldusväärne. Raske uskuda, et ta võiks midagi sellist teha
Kui see tõesti on tõsi, siis see raputab usaldust tema vastu täielikult.
Kas olete kindel? Merle ja pettus? See tundub täiesti uskumatu.
Ma ei kahtlustanud kunagi, et Merle Liivand võiks olla seotud selle süsinikukrediidi pettusega
Viimasel ajal on palju juttu olnud Merle Liivandi uuest projektist, mis keskendub ESG investeeringutele. Ta on ju nii tuntud oma…
Scam alert! Alper deniz is one of the mastermind, Scott Levy and Stuart Gordon are also fraudsters. Bedford Row Capital…
£50K Lost on this scam Please can we not do something ?
Hi Very interesting ..he took £50 K off me and despite over 30 call/emails etc …nothing ! Please can we…
I apologise. This seems like the person. https://imagevault.cloud/3M40VR
At 75, I’ve seen a lot in my day, but this fraud has left me completely gutted. My pension, which…
FCA website: https://www.fca.org.uk/contact#contact-form
“Cet article de Veridicus explore en profondeur les secrets entourant NQ Minerals, révélant des informations essentielles jusqu’alors cachées. À travers…
bedford row capital and alper deniz are all nothing but fraud, they sued by many of their investors.
They all scammers. Sad part is these scammers are pretending to be the good guys who cares about carbon credit…
I believe begbies also need to be held accountable for letting these fraudsters a deal. begbies was sued by John…
Professor Lisa Wilson’s company , Zero13 seems to have a very strong relationship with Bedford Row Capital and Alper Deniz.…
Of course it’s all fake. There’s nothing real about him and his cabal. Scott Lev was conman in then, and…
is this real ??? so nq minerals still in operation? I can’t believe this, I will sue begbies traynor, bedford…
I have lost all my retirement savings because of these fraudsters. I thought I would be able to live off…
I saw that Scott Levy got himself called Dr Scott Levy. I couldnt find any PhD from him. It is…
The face of a liar and fraudster… how proud your family must be to have you as a father, while…
The face of a liar and fraudster… how proud your family must be to have you as a father, while…
Indeed. Let’s see if Professor Lisa will do the right thing or go down with it. I am certain that…
Good people must not only distance themselves from unscrupulous actors but also report them. Germans just “walking away” in the…
Ekthesis, These fraudsters background are all lawyers by nature, and they know how to get away with it, especially since…
Refer to the reply to Roman Manna. Professor Wilson like many others before her have been dupped, by Levy, Gordon,…
Professor Lisa Wilson is, and is well respected globally, as a person of utmost integrity, and global pre-eminence. It is…
Possible to share some info about Lisa’s role ? these scammers need to be put behind bars …
Scott Levy and Lisa Wilson are the ringleaders of these ponzi schemes. John is right, BRC was just “acquired” but…
What other scam these scammers promoting in Estonia ? Yes, they have to be in jail. Daniel Levy is Scott’s…
That Daniel Levy has scammed half of Estonia. He should be in jail.
scott levy and alper deniz need to be held accountable. I’m so shock reading this article !!!!!
#UKInvestmentScams #FraudAlertUK #ScamAwarenessUK #InvestmentFraudUK #UKScamPrevention #FinancialFraudUK #ScamWatchUK #ProtectYourInvestmentsUK #FraudPreventionUK #UKInvestorBeware #AvoidInvestmentScamsUK #SecureInvestingUK #ScamSmartUK #InvestmentSafetyUK #UKFraudWatch #InvestmentSecurityUK #StaySafeInvestingUK #ReportInvestmentFraudUK #ScamProofUK #UKFinancialSecurity…
Alper deniz is nothing but scammer, he and Scott Levy distribute the bond to our network of investors, stating the…
They all scammers. Scott Levy , Stuart Gordon and Alper deniz are all the culprits behind this fraudulent bond investment…
Alper deniz is nothing but a fraudster. I’ve reached out to him several times in the past as he was…
I used to work at brc for quite sometime, and I decided to leave the company, due to this fraudulent…
These fraudsters must be held accountable !!! They promoting fraudulent investment since day start operating in Luxembourg, then move to…
We tried to report BR to the Financial and Legal UK Ombudsman with no success
This plus the English regulators and sales points are so weak and toothless. When investors are able to identifying inappropriate…
Shouldn’t the trustee be assisting the bondholders? Or is he just another swindler like the rest, I wonder?
#UKInvestmentScams #FraudAlertUK #ScamAwarenessUK #InvestmentFraudUK #UKScamPrevention #FinancialFraudUK #ScamWatchUK #ProtectYourInvestmentsUK #FraudPreventionUK #UKInvestorBeware #AvoidInvestmentScamsUK #SecureInvestingUK #ScamSmartUK #InvestmentSafetyUK #UKFraudWatch #InvestmentSecurityUK #StaySafeInvestingUK #ReportInvestmentFraudUK #ScamProofUK #UKFinancialSecurity…
I invested my hard earned money, as I was assured that all bonds from Bedford Row were secure. However, it…
Despicable conmen. Making UK financing laws look pathetic. What has happened to Interpol. Why are they beyond international law also…
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