Merle Liivandi nimi segatud petuskeemi: XTCC asutajad eksitavad investoreid ilma tema nõusolekuta
Merle Liivand’s Name Dragged into Fraud: XTCC Founders Mislead Investors Without Her Consent
From Bedford Row Capital to Bluemount Capital Global Fraud, the journey of Scott Levy and Stuart Gordon
XTCC – Petturlik Jätkusuutlik Investeering
How Alper Deniz and Bedford Row Capital Scammed the UK Government
Al Waseelah a mysterious SPV by Bedford Row Capital & Truva
NQ Minerals Hidden Truth Uncovered!
Estonian Investors in the Crosshairs
Spider Web of Financial Fraud Scheme Involving Bedford Row Capital and Truva Trusteepider Web of Financial Fraud Scheme Involving Bedford Row Capital and Truva Trustee
Oil, Fraud, and Legal Drama: Inside David Lenigas’s High Court Fight”
Alper Deniz Keystone – Truva Trustee and the Bedford Row Capital Scandal
XTCC Carbon Credit Fraud Exposed: Alper Deniz and Scott Levy’s Deceptive Carbon Credit Scheme Unveiled
FCA Decides Not To Take Action Against Blackmore Bond Promoters
The Illusion of Gold: The Tale of David Lenigas
Fiduciary Mirage – Trust betrayed, fortunes vanish. Story of Alper Deniz
Shocking Truth Behind a Green Fraud Scheme
London & Capital Finance
Blackmore Bond
Where’s The City Watchdog When You Need It?
“The Bond Conspiracy” – Scott Levy and Stuart Gordon’s financial empire teeters on the edge of collapse.
Investment Companies Wound Up Over £2m Scam